The journey

Ysf 021
3 min readApr 28, 2021

It all started with the design challenges; we were tasked to create 3 designs outlining the important aspects of each brief and trying to solve each problems individually. The estimated time to complete the challenges was around 30 mins but for some reason I took around 1hr 30mins each… O_O

RSPCA design challenge

I enjoyed doing the RSPCA’s challenge the most. I felt it had a more concise flow than the rest.

Sustainability Victoria design challenge

Sustainability Victoria’s design challenge was the hardest for me as I struggled with finding proper solutions to the problem.

Goodlife Health Clubs design challenge

The design challenge for Goodlife Health Clubs was okay enough, I almost chose it over RSPCA but at the end, felt it would be more exciting to work on pets since I could relate more to them than obesity (I’m underweight so I really don’t understand obesity at all).

The Problem

The main task was to educate pet owners on correct diet and exercise routines for their lovely animals. They also struggle with finding proper vets or other services offered around them.

The Brief

I was tasked to design a mobile app prototype for RSPCA Australia which helped solve the problems I just mentioned above. It should also take care to follow the RSPCA language and styles while also leveraging modern UX design principles and trends to suit a modern audience.

The Audience

The main target audience would be any person having ownership of a pet in Australia.

Creating the first concept

It took time to understand the basics of app features and implement them in the concepts. Below are the sketches I started out with:

Then there’s the wireframes of the 1st variation, which are like the skeleton of any app or website:

The first variation was to create the interface while keeping in mind about the goal: helping new owners adopt a recue pet.

The second variation was about using the Photon Design Language, which kept focus on colours, iconography and aesthetics.

The third and last variation was about catering for visually impaired users, where I made use of contrast and typography to provide a better experience for them (see example below).

I have decided to proceed with my 2nd concept as the mockups have shown it would be better suited for user experiences and interactions with the app. It also solved the design problem best.

Overall assessment 2 was a tough, but enriching experience.

